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Hi, nice to virtually meet you --

I am glad you're here

I am Fabienne, a Swiss mum to a wonderful boy and an earth-centred trauma healing therapist, herbal practitioner, and Reiki Master. My work focuses on helping you break free from unwanted patterns, end repetitive unhealthy relationship or career cycles, and release limiting beliefs. I support you in feeling less anxious, depressed, or empty, and more self-empowered, self-accepting, and aligned with your soul.

Why do I do what I do?

I’ve been there and I’ve known my struggles. For a long time, I tried to make lemonade out of lemons. I faced growing anxiety, depressive episodes, and recurring illness with a relentless can-do attitude, desperately trying to fit in, believing that if I worked harder, I’d eventually prove my worth. But deep down, I never felt good enough. I became stuck in unhealthy patterns in my relationships and work life, acting on emotions bound in childhood, cultural, and generational trauma. It felt like a dysfunctional autopilot had taken over, leaving my inner compass confused and debilitated. My life started to feel thin and unfulfilling. My soul withdrew, and my body fell out of balance. I developed a mild chronic illness, my marriage broke down, and I struggled to manage daily life, let alone enjoy it.

That’s when my healing journey began.

I first trained as a crisis and executive coach, specialising in gifted and neurodiverse-specific coaching and assessments. My desire for deeper healing led me to explore and learn different body-mind healing methods with the Centre for Healing Melbourne. Today, I offer a combination of Herbal Medicine, Reiki and Root Cause Therapy—a trauma healing method that allows for the processing of unresolved emotions, helping to break free from that dysfunctional autopilot operating from the subconscious.

Root Cause Therapy is an emotion-focused, body-mind trauma healing method that incorporates elements of EMDR, Kinesiology, Timeline Therapy, and Counseling. The power of this method lies in its ability to work on all levels of the mind—the conscious and unconscious, where our automatic learned behaviors and bottled-up emotions reside. This deeper-level healing enables real, long-term change.

In addition to my work with people, I have a deep love and understanding of animals. I specialize in helping both guardians and their animal companions heal and thrive together. I offer tandem sessions to support this shared healing process.


I work with a wide range of emotional and physical imbalances, including:

  • Trauma and (c)PTSD

  • Narcissistic abuse

  • Domestic violence

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Burnout and fatigue

  • Childhood Emotional Neglect

  • Unwanted, dysfunctional behaviors

  • Unhealthy patterns and beliefs

  • Physical conditions like headaches, digestive issues, allergies, and skin issues (with a focus on reducing emotional stress and healing blocks around physical conditions to pave the way for improvement)

  • Gifted-specific and (neuro)diversity-sensitive approaches



I’d love to help you find your path and embrace your worth.


You deserve to heal.
Fabienne Wydler, trauma healing practitioner, about me

Here is a poem I wrote while in trauma recovery, experiencing the multi- generational impact of trauma healing . I lovingly dedicate it to you wherever you are in your healing process.

Grandmother Raven

Trauma healing poem for clients by Fabienne Wydler

In the realm where whispers wove the tales of old,
A mythic being dwelt, mysterious and bold,
Grandmother Raven, a shapeshifter of lore,
A white witch with a cat, her companion evermore.

The cat a creature of the shadows and the night,
A silent witness to the moon's soft, glowing light.
With eyes like stars, so deep and bright,
He navigates the secrets, dark and right.

In a humble hut, nestled beyond the village's reach,
She practiced ancient arts, her wisdom to teach,
Her walls adorned with secrets, herbs, and charms,
A haven for those seeking solace from life's harms.

With feathers of obsidian and silver hair that gleamed,
Grandmother Raven wandered, her power esteemed,
A guardian of nature's gifts, a healer of the heart,
Dispensing remedies to the rich and the downtrodden part.

For ailments of body and ailments of the soul,
She'd tend and nurture, making broken spirits whole,
Physical ills, the whispers of the deceased,
She listened to all, her heart never ceased.

By day, a crone with wisdom etched in every line,
By night, a raven soaring, tales to intertwine,
Invisible threads of fate, she wove with grace,
Guiding souls through life's intricate, mystic maze.

A bridge betwixt worlds, in twilight's mystic trance,
She'd shift her form, embracing nature's dance,
From hare to wolf, to owl on the wing,
She'd metamorphose, a magical fling.

Yet darkness lurked, in her lineage so twisted,
A sister banished, a soul so contorted and misted,
Master of shadows, manipulation, and deceit,
She schemed in the shadows, her revenge complete.

The cat, the faithful friend, sensed the looming dread,
It knew of the sister's dark powers, where they spread.
With vigilance, it tried to warn the folk near and far,
Yet the people couldn't hear, lost in the world's bizarre.

A vision one night, as the moon cast its spell,
Unveiled the sister, escaping her dark cell,
A specter of envy, chaos in her wake,
A legacy of pain, a bitter, twisted ache.

Once a daughter, once tender and fair,
Now entangled in a patriarchal snare,
She embraced the denial of nature's soft might,
Abandoning love under darkened night.

Envy within her, a seething blaze,
Hungry for power in oppressive ways,
She sought to shroud the ancestral line,
To quell the gifts, their brilliance malign.

A venomous darkness oozed from her core,
Infecting roots of generations of yore,
An insidious poison she did inject,
To extinguish the light, a cruel effect.

She schemed and plotted, her hatred deep,
To lull the female sovereignty to sleep.
Her goal, a vile desire to ascertain,
A world devoid of feminine reign.

The aftermath weighed heavy, a burden to bear,
Depression, suicide, and rage in the air.
The female lineage, cut from their source,
Deprived of their knowing, veiled from their force.

Their access to love, their innate belonging,
Lost in the darkness, leaving hearts longing.
Drifting from skills, from intuitive sight,
Their wisdom eclipsed, obscured from the light.

Each generation carried this hidden weight,
A legacy of sorrow, a lingering freight.
Disconnected from the gifts they possessed,
Their inner knowing, once freely expressed.

In this sorrowful cycle, they strayed from their path,
Their intuition dulled, as if under wrath.
Their gifts in peril, snatched and abused,
They severed ties, their powers diffused.

But even in the depths of this abyss,
Hope flickered on, a beacon of bliss.
For the moon goddess, veiled yet bright,
Whispered softly through the endless night.

Bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon's soft light,
She beckoned the future's women through the night.
A call to rise, to awaken and see,
Their feminine power, ancient and free.

One night, the moon goddess's whispers graced my ears,
Guiding me to seek wisdom back through the years.
To Grandmother Raven, I flew on in my dreams,
To unearth the truth within her ancient streams.

In her wise eyes, the story unfurled,
Of the Dark Sister, whose intentions twirled.
Yet Grandmother Raven, a beacon of old,
Shared the tale of strength and truths yet untold.

Through empowering knowledge, Grandmother's grace,
She shows me how to break the chains, find my place.
The evil sister's grip, my spirit entwined,
Grandmother Raven's wisdom, my guide, so kind.

She whispers truths, in the shadow's depth,
Teaches me how to regain my breath.
No longer embraced by the dark, endless night,
Grandmother Raven reveals the path to the light.

She unravels tales of elements grand,
The spirits of forests, the earth, and the land.
She teaches the intelligence of plants,
Their silent language, the wisdom in every chance.

In the other world, she guides my way,
A path to healing, where I must stay.

With her wings of shadow, she soars high,
Breaking the chains of patriarchy's sly lie.

The toxic feminine, a poison long spread,
Inherited by daughters, a legacy widespread.

But with wisdom, I break the chain that's bound,
For fear in my spirit will no longer be found.

I choose a different path, a new legacy,
Replacing fear with love, setting my heart free.

The fear stops with me, in this sacred quest,
No longer passed down through the lineage, the rest.

In the knowledge and safety of belonging, I find,
The strength to heal the wounds left behind.

Love becomes the balm, the soothing embrace,
A powerful force to end fear's trace.

In this journey, I discover my worth,
Transforming the pain into love and rebirth.

As my quest concludes, Grandmother Raven takes flight,
Returning to her life in the gentle twilight.

The fear of being branded a witch or scorned,
Dissipates into the past, no longer mourned.

She can live openly, sharing her gifts so grand,
For fear no longer plagues her in this land.

The wisdom she imparts is embraced by all,
In the female lineage, a sovereign call.

The calm prevails, and sovereignty is found,
In the knowing, the wisdom, in the ground.

The legacy of fear has lost its grip,
And now, the power of knowledge, we equip.

With Grandmother Raven's guidance, we embrace,
A world where love and wisdom find their place.

No longer held back by the chains of old,
A future of strength, unity, and stories untold.

In the tapestry of life, we find our way,
Through shadows and storms, to the light of day.
The secrets of nature, the whispers of the heart,
Are the keys to healing, the place to start.

With our ancestor’s guidance, we will find,
The strength within us, both gentle and kind.
With each passing generation, a chance to renew,
The strength of our heritage, the wisdom we grew.

So let's pass on the knowledge, the light of the soul,
To heal and to nurture, to make ourselves whole.

Embrace your inner knowing, let your heart take the lead,
For the gifts that reside within are the tools we all need.

And the enduring power of wisdom, courage, and grace,
Shall shine brightly within, in this sacred space.

by Fabienne Wydler

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Brew a moment of peace with this gentle herbal blend, thoughtfully crafted to ease anxiety.

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